If you are in need of a study guide of the content that is expected for you to know in the Microsoft exam in HTML & CSS, please review the following content.
I have taken the time to go through all the content and link it to a site where it does explain and give you real -world examples that are functioning. I provide this to my students so that they can study for their midterm and sometimes final.
Important Content To Study
- Semantic tags
- Know the different types of units of measure and which are absolute and which are not absolute.
- Basic declarations text-decoration, color, font-style, font-family
- What is a void tags is.
- Know the link tag.
- What does a horizontal rule tag do?
- What does doctype tag do?
- Know the proper order of an HTML page.
- Meta tags and what they do..
- Know how to insert a line break.
- You should know which part of an HTML page displays content and which is only for search engines and developers.
- Know what the alt attribute in the image tag does.
- Know what tag highlights text.
- Know pseudo classes.
- Know how to create a hyperlink and the attributes needed.
- Know how to create a long hand border declaration.
- Long hand margin declaration
- Know the float declaration
- Overflow declaration
- Text-align declaration
- Visibility Declaration
- Font-weight Declaration
- Text-indent Declaration
- How to read a table the rows and td.
- Know the definition of margin and padding.
- Know the difference between hexadecimal colors and regular word colors.
- Difference between inline styling, internal styling, and external styling.
- Know how to create an id, class, and element selector.
- The difference between an absolute path and a relative path.
- Know the difference between the script tag and the noscript tag.
- Know the difference between an H1 and an H6
- Know the different kinds of hex color values: #FFFFFF, #000000, #FF0000 (red), #00FF00 (green), #0000FF (blue), #808080 (gray)
- Know the parts of a CSS rule and how a CSS rule is created.
- Know how to add a background image declaration.
- Know the different types of selectors, grouping selectors, parent child selector, universal selector.
- Know the Last Rule
- Know the Rule of Specificity
- Know what block level elements are vs. inline level elements.
- Know the details tag.
- Know the difference between HTML comments and CSS comments.
- Understand how to create a form and what a form does with its attributes.
- Know the difference between all the input fields.
- Understand the difference between the video and audio tag and how they work.
- CSS Media queries
- Have a general understanding of web safe fonts
- Boolean attributes vs non-boolean attributes